What happens when life brings you to your knees?

How can you have the time of your life when you are fighting for your life? Well, that is my story.


It was just a small lump and I’d had many of those before. Probably just another fibroid mass I thought to myself. But this time there was pain involved, more than the tenderness that I’d had with other benign tumors. The only reason I noticed it at all was because of the pain – aLola2-caption dull incessant throbbing. It was up high on my chest area, not near my breast at all. I ignored it.


But life wouldn’t let me ignore what was to be my dance with cancer – breast cancer of all things. I used to boast that I would never have to worry about breast cancer because I had no boobs to speak of.


Wrong again.


It must have been my pioneer spirit that prepared me for the physical and emotional journey I embarked on. I seemed to always have blazed a trail in my life; joining a start-up sorority, launching and consulting with start-up businesses, blazing a trail for women in corporate America, peering into the unknown and always finding my way. But all of these pale in comparison to my life mission now.

When I found myself at the most vulnerable and lowest point in my life, my amazing husband grabbed my hand and whisked me down to the beach, to celebrate life — and my healing. That moment changed the set point of my experience and launched both of us on a course that not only changed us, but those around us as well.


A strange thing happened as we chose to view this event in our lives as not something to just get through. By simply naming wigs and acting through the eyes of how those different wigs made me feel, I freed amazing aspects of my personality that had been buried within due to taking life too seriously. But a more profound wisdom emerged–live life to the fullest, no matter what the appearances are in the moment.


Lola was the last personality character to emerge, with her long red wig adorned with copious curls. Lola captures the outrageous, unique essence we all have within, just waiting to come out to bring healing, love, wisdom and passion back into our life experience. Let your Lola out™, she exclaims!


Yes, cancer saved my life and freed ALL of me. It has now become clear to me that my life mission and passion is to share my story in the hopes it will help ease the fear and spark another approach for others in how to handle life in its darkest hour. Now, how to bring this message out to the world I thought? My answer came through Gigi, the vivacious, blonde bombshell entertainer side of me – create a One Woman Show telling my story through the eyes of each character as she emerged. Yes, this would be so much more impactful and fun for me. And so it is. Join me as I embark on the most exciting life chapter in my life – and bring to life for all of you my story through, Finding Lola: how breast cancer freed ALL of me!


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